posted on Wed, Aug 15 '18 under tag: newsletter

First, the good news. I am now a Fellow in HIV Medicine. I finished this one year RGUHS course last week and now am taking rest at my home in flood-stricken Kerala. No, there is no danger where my home is, and yes, the food is yummy.

I set up a web server on Amazon Web Services last month and have been hosting my email, websites, and other services on it since then. I have written about these under the “devops” category on my site. I have to write about SVYM, and my adventurous journey to reach home later.

I have also made all necessary arrangements for recording videos for my YouTube channel. So expect some video action soon.

I re-read “A Guide for Young People: What to Do With Your Life” which is a small blog post by my favorite blogger Leo Babauta. He is not a Buddhist monk.

And then I decided what I should do with my life. Read “What Next?” on my blog. In it I have written about my ambitions, not my plan. I have not been able to plan things with detail till now. But what has helped me throughout is to know the kind of things I want to do. I wish myself the best.

What are you doing? Tell me everything about it.

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