posted on Wed, Apr 14 '21 under tags: postgres, rdbms

These are some interesting things I learnt about postgres from reading Learn PostgreSQL by Luca Ferrari, Enrico Pirozzi

Note: This post wasn’t published till 3rd February, 2024 because I lost interest in it. It eventually got published (at the older date) because I didn’t want to just discard them. But it hasn’t been updated or completed.

Roles can have roles within. A user is just a role with login

I used to be wonder what the difference between a user and a role was. Postgres actually has only one of these feature. Role. And roles can have roles. Which means, roles can be used to group roles. A group of roles is another role. So, you can have one role like “staff” and many other roles like “engineer-1”, “engineer-2” in the staff role.

We can conceptually use role as “user” or “group” (or both). A role with the ability to login can be considered as a user. A role that has NOLOGIN and is used to group other roles can be considered as a group.

createuser utility internally just creates a role.

\e in psql opens the last command in $EDITOR

\e filename.sql runs the SQL in filename.sql

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