posted on Tue, Jun 23 '20 under tag:
Some people think that using the word “vegetarian” and “non-vegetarian” is sensationalistic. So I compiled a list of either word being used in language.
- “Vegetarians, much less vegans, would prefer not to be compelled to eat meat. Yet the reverse compulsion is what lurks in the growing proposals for a new plant-based “planetary diet.” Nowhere is this more visible than in India.” - India Shows Why the Global Shift to Plant-Based Diets Is Dangerous
- “Vegetarians in India shouldnt make policy recommendations or nutrition advice. Most of them give false messages damaging even good eating practices. Vegetarians are often on a mission to prevent meat eating by others….its not based on science.” - tweet
- “When a majority of people in Karnataka are non-vegetarian and when government funds are being given to Akshaya patra, should they be allowed to make diktats on what should and should not be given in their meals?” - What ‘Egg-zactly’ Is the Problem with ISKCON’s Mid Day Meals?
- “Most Indians Non Vegetarian; Men More Than Women, South & East Most ”
- “According to a study by the Anthropological Survey of India, more than 80% of Indian population is non-vegetarian.” - Is Eating Meat Indian Culture? It Always Has Been
- “Going by National Family Health Survey, the National Sample Survey Organisation data, the India Human Development Survey(IHDS) Vegetarians are only 20% of population in India –but vegetarian is the main food –PDS, ICDS, MDM, hostels, relief (only rice), -even that is not being given” - pdf