posted on Wed, Aug 23 '23 under tag: freedom

How to get nextcloud kinda working on the local network (on Windows)

Things would have been rather easy with Linux I guess. But I had to install Nextcloud on a Windows laptop recently and here’s how I went ahead. also called as AIO is what is recommended for this. There is a section on how to run it on windows. It is basically a docker based setup.

So first thing we need is to install Docker Desktop.

It will take a restart to finish installation.

I had two errors after Docker Desktop was installed:

Had to reboot into bios and enable “Virtualization” in BIOS settings for solving the first one. The second one was just a matter of installing wsl with wsl --update

With docker running, I had to run the following command:

docker run ^
--init ^
--sig-proxy=false ^
--name nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer ^
--restart always ^
--publish 8080:8080 ^
--env APACHE_PORT=11000 ^
--volume nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer:/mnt/docker-aio-config ^
--volume //var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro ^

Unfortunately the NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR directive wasn’t working correctly at all! So although I had --env NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR="/run/desktop/mount/host/c/Users/Sochara/Documents/NextCloud" ^ in the above, I removed it.

The APACHE_PORT directive is required to be able to run the thing behind a reverse proxy.

Running it behind a reverse proxy is necessary because AIO doesn’t work without an https certificate.

So I set up caddy as the reverse proxy like this: {
        reverse_proxy localhost:11000
        tls {
                dns cloudflare secretcloudflaretoken

This works because I was managing DNS via cloudflare and a token can be obtained via the cloudflare interface.

To run this we need a custom download of caddy which includes dns.providers.cloudflare from

We can make it a system service on windows using sc.exe as documented.

Similarly docker desktop can be enabled from task manager -> startup apps.

With all this setup, I had to go to (where the computer I was installing this had as the local IP), proceed with the SSL warning and let AIO finish installation.

Then, I had to change the hosts file at C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts and add this line:

This would redirect all links to (obviously this works only in the same network).

With this setup I was able to see nextcloud on a different computer.

But due to various issues related to DATADIR not being set correctly by nextcloud and network failures, I abandoned this idea.

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