GSoC 2021 Organizations
Since SMC didn’t get selected for GSoC I decided to look through the organization list in GSoC and see how many I knew. Turns out there are some nice new ones.
I won’t list all the organizations. Just the ones that I find interesting or have heard about.
- caMicroscope - web-based biomedical image and data viewer.
- Android FHIR SDK - for FHIR on Android
- JabRef - a zotero alternative
- LibreHealth - EMR, etc. Demo doesn’t work.
- OpenMRS - electronic medical record system
Language tech
- Apertium - machine translation.
- AnkiDroid - The spaced repetition learning system.
- Audacity - The only audio editor you ever need.
- Blender
- Joplin - note taking. Like notion, but on desktop.
- Synfig - 2D animation like macromedia flash
Knowledge related
- DBpedia - sounds like wikidata, but very different
- Kolibri - offline store of learning resources
- MetaBrainz - community maintained databases
- Oppia - like Khan academy
- Processing - tools to learn programming (creative coding in javascript, etc)
- Purr Data - visual programming
- Software Heritage - like internet archive, but for code
Software development related
- boost - C++ libraries (like JSON parser)
- Casbin - authorization library (in java, node.js, python, and many useful languages) that supports configuration in various formats.
- checkstyle - code style for Java
- coala - linting for multiple languages
- godot - gaming engine
- hydra - seems like a much better, W3C led openAPI
- MetaCall - polyglot programming
- mypy - static types for python
Hardware related
- Apertus - professional cinema making.
- BeagleBoard - like Arduino
- CircuitVerse - logic circuits in browser.
People related
- CHAOSS - trying to make community health countable