posted on Sat, Sep 29 '18 under tag: life

It has been one month since I moved to Bangalore. This is a quick life update on what I have been doing and will be doing

“We are kept from our goal not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser goal.”

― Robert Brault

I did know what my goals were while moving to Bangalore. But I had no idea what I was going to do about them. This is how things have been.

After days of searching, shifting, shifting again, fighting bed bugs and so on, Swathi and I found a home in Mathikere and I promptly changed my couchsurfing status to “Accepting Guests”.

I now go regularly to Paisool where I have been programming solutions to interesting problems since January. Their new office in Halasoor is a lovely place to work in.

I visit PCMH Restore Health clinic three days a week in the mornings as a consultant HIV & primary care physician. Most of my work in the coming days will be centered at PCMH.

I am also helping Institute of Public Health, Bangalore in data collection and visualization, primarily on projects that involve tribal health.

The very reason I love Bangalore is the number of interesting events that happen here. For example, I went to Alternative Law Forum for a talk on data protection bill. This was on the day the aadhaar judgement came out. I am now looking to work with internet democracy project probably as a collaboration with Indic Project. Also, I got myself enrolled in the post-graduate diploma in medical law & ethics (PGDMLE) offered by National Law School of India University as a distance education programme. This is something I am really looking forward to.

But the most interesting thing I did last month was to start working on the healthcare app idea. The team at PCMH applied for Stars in Global Health grant. Our focus in the first year of operations will be on female commercial sex workers and transgender women. Here is a video in which I talk more about it. (Turn volume up to hear :P)

That is how things have been. It is getting really interesting.

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